
Introduction to XKeyboardConfig

The XKeyboardConfig package contains the keyboard configuration database for the X Window System.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.3 platform.

Package Information

XKeyboardConfig Dependencies


Xorg Libraries

Optional (required for tests)

libxkbcommon-xkbcommon-1.8.0, pytest-8.3.4, and Xorg Applications

Installation of XKeyboardConfig

Install XKeyboardConfig by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup --prefix=$XORG_PREFIX --buildtype=release .. &&

To test the results, issue: ninja test.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directory: $XORG_PREFIX/share/X11/xkb