ibus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for the Linux OS. It provides a fully featured and user friendly input method user interface.
This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.3 platform.
Download (HTTP): https://github.com/ibus/ibus/archive/1.5.31/ibus-1.5.31.tar.gz
Download MD5 sum: 3d685af1010d871bb858dc8a8aabb5c4
Download size: 1.5 MB
Estimated disk space required: 55 MB (add 1 MB for tests)
Estimated build time: 0.3 SBU (Using parallelism=4; add 1.0 SBU for tests)
Unicode Character Database: https://www.unicode.org/Public/zipped/16.0.0/UCD.zip
ISO Codes-4.17.0, and Vala-0.56.17
DConf-0.40.0, GLib-2.82.4 (with GObject Introspection), GTK-3.24.48, GTK-4.16.12, and libnotify-0.8.3
GTK-Doc-1.34.0 (for generating API documentation), D-Bus Python-1.3.2 and PyGObject-3.50.0 (both to build the Python support library), libxkbcommon-xkbcommon-1.8.0, Wayland-1.23.0 (both to build the Wayland support programs), EmojiOne, and libdbusmenu
First, install the Unicode Character Database as the root
mkdir -p /usr/share/unicode/ucd && unzip -o ../UCD.zip -d /usr/share/unicode/ucd
Fix an issue with deprecated schema entries:
sed -e 's@/desktop/ibus@/org/freedesktop/ibus@g' \ -i data/dconf/org.freedesktop.ibus.gschema.xml
If GTK-Doc-1.34.0 is not installed, remove the references to it:
if ! [ -e /usr/bin/gtkdocize ]; then sed '/docs/d;/GTK_DOC/d' -i Makefile.am configure.ac fi
Install ibus by running the following commands:
SAVE_DIST_FILES=1 NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh && PYTHON=python3 \ ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-python2 \ --disable-appindicator \ --disable-gtk2 \ --disable-emoji-dict && make
To test the results, issue: make -k check. The test named ibus-compose fails because it uses some locales not installed in LFS. The test named ibus-keypress will fail if running in a Wayland session. The xkb-latin-layouts test is also known to fail on some systems.
Now, as the root
make install
This switch disables use of libdbusmenu. Omit if you installed the
optional dependency.
: This
switch disables the use of emoticon dictionaries. Omit if you
installed the optional package.
: This switch
removes the dependency on GTK+-2.
: This switch disables
building the GTK 4 immodule. Use
it if you don't want to install GTK
: This switch
enables building the Python
support library. Use it if you have installed the optional Python
: This switch enables
building the Wayland support
programs. It's automatically enabled if both libxkbcommon-xkbcommon-1.8.0 and
Wayland-1.23.0 are installed.
: Prevent autogen.sh from running the
generated configure
script. We'll run the script manually instead of relying on
autogen.sh to run it,
because autogen.sh
would set -fsanitize=address
configure, but those
compiler options are not suitable for productive use and they may
also cause a build failure.
: This environment
variable makes the configure script look for
Python 3. Use it if you want to
build the Python 3 support
: This environment
variable makes the autogen.sh script save some
pre-generated header files instead of overwriting them when it is
run. This prevents build failures when generating ibusemojigen.h
: Use this parameter if
GTK-Doc is installed and you wish
to rebuild and install the API documentation.
If GTK+-3 is installed and --disable-gtk3
is not used, the ibus IM module for
GTK+-3 will be installed. As the root
user, update a cache file of GTK+-3 so the
GTK-based applications can find the newly installed IM module and
use ibus as an input method:
gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache
The command above updates the cache file for GTK+-3. GTK-4 does not require a cache file for IM modules.