
Introduction to Tracker-miners

The Tracker-miners package contains a set of data extractors for Tracker.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-11.1 platform.

Package Information

Tracker-miners Dependencies


gst-plugins-base-1.20.0, Tracker-3.2.1, Exempi-2.6.1, and gexiv2-0.14.0



asciidoc-10.1.1, CMake-3.22.2, DConf-0.40.0, libgsf-1.14.48, libseccomp-2.5.3, taglib-1.12, totem-pl-parser-3.26.6, UPower-0.99.13, libcue, libitpcdata, libosinfo, and gupnp

User Notes:

Installation of Tracker-miners

Install Tracker-miners by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson --prefix=/usr                 \
      --buildtype=release           \
      -Dsystemd_user_services=false \
      -Dman=false .. &&

To test the results, as the root user, issue: ninja test.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.

-Dman=false: This switch prevents the build process from generating man pages. Omit this switch if you have asciidoc-10.1.1 installed and wish to generate and install the man pages.

-Dsystemd_user_services=false: This switch prevents the build process from installing systemd units since they are useless on SysV systems.

-Dseccomp=false: This option disables the seccomp system call filter. On some architectures, such as i686 and ARM, the functions that tracker-miners uses are not guarded properly, and tracker-miners will get killed with a SIGSYS as a result.

-Dminer_rss=false: Use this option if you have not installed the recommended dependency libgrss.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: Several modules under /usr/lib/tracker-miners-3.0
Installed Directories: /usr/lib/tracker-miners-3.0, /usr/libexec/tracker3, and /usr/share/tracker3-miners

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